2014 Depoe Bay Fishing & Gambling Trip IV
A record 6 out of 12 puked this year due to rough seas! It was a mellow Saturday night, we were all wiped out from maintaining our balance for 5 hours straight on the Samson boat. We caught 100+ fish, limited on Rock & Sea Bass and only 2 Lings. First to puke award went to Keith, Brent had a lock on it but got DQ’d for only dry heaving. Biggest Fish Award was a tie Between Danny and Clay. Each will share the award for 6 months then must return it next year.
attended: Beau K/Wes M/Jessie W/Brent H/Jay T/Clay P/Rob P/Danny E/Keith K/Robert B/Steve P/James G (boat only)/Erik Z. (boat only)……………the six who hurled: Brent H/Keith K/Jay T/Robert B/Steve P/Jessie W
May 9-11, 2014
(see 1st trip, 2011 video)
P H O T O S !
(click photos 2 times for the larger images)
Tide Pools Pizza Place, Depoe Bay, OR
Group Photo of Man vs. Elements Depoe Bay Fish Trip IV 2014
Woah, Jesse wins again! what’s new?
filleting the fish at Dockside Depoe
Tide Pools Pizza Place, Depoe Bay, OR
Jay takes a break after 5 hours on a rough boat.
Dockside Charters at Depoe Bay, OR with Man vs. Elements Group
Tide Pools Pizza Place, Depoe Bay, OR
Beau Killett baggin’ fish at Troller’s Lodge
Erik, Beau, Danny & James. Blue ghost in background – Keith
passing storm
Keith baggin’ fish at Troller’s Lodge
MvE – Depoe Bay Fish Trip IV 2014 Poster
Depoe Bay, OR
Dockside Charters, Depoe Bay, OR
Man vs. Elements Depoe Bay Fish Trip IV 2014 – group shot
Fishin on the Samson, Depoe Bay, OR
Keith, Wes & Beau at Mallard Creek Golf Course the morning of the Fish Trip 2014
Jesse gets showered from his LCR BIG win!!!
Taffy! Jay breaks record buying 10 pounds in Depoe Bay
lures to catch Ling, Sea Bass, Rockfish etc…
Tide Pools Pizza Place, Depoe Bay, OR
Keith Kessaris at Mallard Creek
Leaving Depoe Bay
Wild Piglet Lottery Winners, Oregon
Brent only drive heaves on 1st attempt so fails once again to take home the “Greenfish Award”. Keith won while 6 people out of 12 puked this year.
Tide Pools Pizza Place, Depoe Bay, OR
Depoe Bay, OR
Wes catching Zzzzs on way home
Lars ties up two lines so they both think they’re pulling in a big one.
Lure with big buoys!
Sausage in a parmesan shaker courtesy of Jay I’m sure
Jay and Jesse get out of the passing storm
Gracie’s Sea Hag – Playing the bottles
Steve, Jesse & Jay
ah, land! Happy to pull in after 6 out of 12 hurl from boat rocking like crazy for 5 hours
Wes’ mug holder
Danny & Robert baggin’ fish at Troller’s Lodge
Rob and Beau don’t know who caught these
LCR $$$$$$
Troller’s Lodge – Man vs Elements Depoe Bay Fish Trip IV 2014
Gracie’s Sea Hag – Playing the bottles
stop along McKenzie pass
Mo’s Restaurant in Newport, OR
Depoe Weather that made 6 hurl on trip
Arriving late
MvE – Depoe Bay Fish Trip IV 2014 Poster
Sunset from Rob’s Cam
passing Storm hits
Sunset on Saturday left to right: Rob, Jay & Jesse
Tide Pools Pizza Place, Depoe Bay, OR
Dockside Charters in Depoe Bay, Oregon
Jay nearly loses hat in passing storm
MILF – Mother’s I’d like to fish with Poster
Clay with the 50 year old that we threw back so he could see his grandkids again
Wild Piglets Scooter Group at Pig’n Pancake
Depoe Bay, OR Biggest Fish Award shared between Clay & Danny for 2014
Man vs Elements 2014 Group Shot at Dockside Charters in Depoe Bay, Oregon
Steve and Danny soak up the sun on Sunday prior to heading home
Devil’s Punch Bowl, Or
Clay and his pet pig
The rough ocean on MvE 2014 fish trip, Depoe Bay, Oregon
Rogue Brewery was closed on Mother’s Day morning. No Root beer fill up for wife
Dockside Charters (Lars) holding MvE Biggest Fish Award
Dockside Charters in Depoe Bay, Oregon
Mallard Creek – patches of sun and passing showers
MvE Depoe Bay Fish Trip Trophy 2014
Man vs. Elements Depoe Bay Fish Trip IV 2014 – group shot
Piggy, piggy
this lucky bobble may have saved us
James and Erik await a strike
Devil’s Punch Bowl, Or
Man vs. Elements Depoe Bay Fish Trip IV 2014 – group shot
Devil’s Punch Bowl, Or
Depoe Bay, OR
pigs were here
Jesus may have saved us that day.
Keith Kessaris at Mallard Creek
at the dock of Depoe Bay awaiting to board the Samson
Brent, shuts down to later regroup
Rob prepared for the weather, Depoe Bay, Or
Dockside Charters with MvE Group from Bend, OR
Wild Piglets Scooter group at Mo’s Restaurant in Newport, OR
Fishin on the Samson, Depoe Bay, OR
Wild Piglet Rob – ready for any weather
It was a sausagefest at Mo’s in Newport, OR
Going fishing Depoe Bay, OR – MvE 2014
Captain Lars of Dockside Charters in Depoe Bay, Oregon holding MvE’s Biggest Fish Award
2nd win by Jesse…. the jerk!
Tide Pools Pizza Place, Depoe Bay, OR
stop along McKenzie pass
Wes played a few holes with a pink ball he found but ultimately lost that one too.
Depoe Bay, OR
MvE Fish Trip IV – God help us.
MvE – Depoe Bay Fish Trip IV 2014 Poster
Tide Pools Pizza Place, Depoe Bay, OR
MvE – Depoe Bay Fish Trip IV 2014 Poster
MvE – Depoe Bay Fish Trip IV 2014 Poster Big Fish Award
Les Miserables…Brent & Beau share an unsettling moment, Depoe Bay, OR
Rat pack.
Beau bubble
Leaving Depoe Bay… Hmm, looks calm.
MvE Depoe Bay Fish Trip IV
Otter Rock, Oregon
Erik, Wes and Keith at Troller’s Lodge Room 1
Erik bends the rules showing up with Christine on the all guy trip. She’s now hooked on LCR.
LCR Bring it!
The 1st to puke award. Congrats Keith!
Lars and Keith
We failed to make it to O’Downy’s Irish Pub Saturday night. Oh well, next year.
Kevin’s Shoes he left at Troller’s Lodge, Rick & Peggy held them for a whole year. ha ha!
Troller’s Lodge at Depoe Bay, Oregon