MvE Bike Trip V
Dutchman Flats to Bend
Sunday, September 25th, 2016
9:00am sharp – meet at Cog Wild (Century Dr/Simpson)
Park on street behind the parking lot!
$10 Each Cost for SHUTTLE (pay Beau on Sunday)
ALL $ goes towards shuttles, apps & beer but plan on bringing more money for restaurant. Please invite family to restaurant.
Infamous Waiver
What to Bring (Equipment)
- CA$H to pay Beau & for food at Pacific Pizza & Brew. Invite Wives and kids to pub please!!!
- ATTIRE Helmet (required!) Sunglasses, Biking Gloves, Biker shorts preferred (your butt will appreciate extra padding) & Shirt (one that will wick sweat is preferred)
- ZIP LOCK BAG – stow cell phone in bag in backpack, even your sweat can destroy your phone
- CAMERA –We will make a video of this trip! Take pics/vid
- A MOUNTAIN BIKE IN F*CKIN’ WORKING ORDER – I (Beau) rent one out at Pine Mountain Sports every year! (tell them you’re with MvE and they’ll set you up (27″ or 29″, full suspension for $45)
- WATER!!!!! – Preferably in a Camelback type backpack. Plastic water bottles will also work. No hard cased items in your backpacks (not good if you fall on them). cell phones in baggies, water can explode in backpack
- ENERGY BARS (ie. Cliff Bars or others); or trail mix
- LUNCH ITEM Like a peanut butter & banana sandwich – We plan to regroup at the halfway point – Swede Ridge Shelter. Great place for lunch or snack, group pic, fireball shot, bitch and moan.
The Dirty Details
Willing adventurers will embark on a 26 mile trek through a forest of ferocious chipmunks and trail dodging trees for the ultimate prize…. BEER. @9:15am-ish – Cog Wild will shuttle our lazy asses up to Dutchman Sno Park (no actual snow this year please!) and leave the group to our pending doom….Please bring cams to document our bone crushing descent for our next generations enjoyment…“See kids, your grandpa wasn’t always eating his meals through a straw!
After the Group Pic at Dutchman, our ride will begin with a brisk uphill climb to the top of Flagline Trail. The remaining 22 miles are all downhill. Really? :)… No :(… Well, sort of… We will meander through the most grueling terrain known to 3rd graders with speed and agility, conquering trails with demonic names like Swede Ridge, Sector 16 and Whoops There it is. The culmination of the excursion will flow like 2 buck-chuck down the dreaded Phil’s Trail complex to our ultimate destination, Pacific Pizza & Brew where we will indulge in recovery beverages and healthy foods derived from the Viking and Paleo diet plan to fully recover from the pillages of the pine. ETA for restaurant is 2:45pm-ish, please invite your families however any complimentary beer goes to riders only!
Safety Stops
- We will have a few key stopping points for all to meet up.
- There are a few places where an injured / beaten-down MVE’r can also bail out and dare I say, call their wives for pick up.
Pacific Pizza & Brew Sponsorship
Jeff Johnson of Pacific Pizza & Brew plans on rewarding each rider 2 complimentary beers upon arrival, HOW COOL ARE THEY??? Please TIP WELL, invite your families, friends whomever! We should arrive around 2:45pm – lets pack the joint! *FACT: “The more our wives get together, the more outings they will let you go on plus, they may be your ride home!” 🙂
Feel free to call or email me with any questions!
Here wEGO again! Good times ahead! Beau Killett Man vs. Elements 541-350-3351