Ski to Elk Lake Trip XIV

February 10, 2024
Man vs. Elements Ski to Elk Lake XIV

This was a tricky year due to sno-cats being down & limited seats for return. Only 13 could attend with 3 skiing out. We were in no rush so we started around 10:30am and the weather couldn’t have been any better. Beau’s brother Lee joined us from Maui, his first time on cross-country skis. haha!

@Devil’s Lake:
Beau was the first to try the hill and failed near the bottom, he gave bad advice to Keith whom quickly followed suit (never listen to Beau). John, Brian & Erik all made it no prob.

@Elk Lake Lodge:
Food was great, LCR winners were Brian Kelly and Keith Kessaris. After dinner there was time to kill so most walked on the lake. There’s now an area carved out for anyone who wants to do a polar plunge, and there’s a sauna nearby. Something to do for our 15th? 🤔😃

Beau wanted to ski out with Erik on classics but after an hour of pain, quickly jumped into a sno-cat heading for the parking lot. Kudos to Erik for going all the way on his own – amazing! Dirk and Danny skate-skied out as well, Daryl planned on joining them but broke his bindings along with a backup set provided by Jake, the ski gods were clearly against him.

btw, we met a few kids at the lodge who skied in as well after seeing our pics & videos! Very cool!

Ann Bourdages, Beau Killett, Lee Killett (newbie), Brian Kelly, Danny Evans, Dirk Renner, Erik Zamboni, Jake Slodki, John Folliard, Ed Busch, Keith Kessaris, Daryl McCarl, Shayne McCarl,

Quick 1-minute long video of having fun this year.